Hey Max, Are you busy? Hola Max, ¿Estas ocupado? |
Tim | Not really, why? No realmente, ¿Por qué? |
Tom | I have to buy some things here in the supermarket. Can you come with me? Tengo que comprar algunas cosas aquí en el supermercado ¿Puedes venir conmigo? |
Tim | Ok, but we have to hurry because I have little time to help you Bien, pero tenemos que darnos prisa porque tengo poco tiempo para ayudarte |
Tom | First, I need some bread and some eggs Primero, Necesito algo de pan y huevos |
Tim | Do you want some potatoes? ¿Quieres algunas patatas? |
Tom | No, I don't want any potatoes. I'm trying to lose weight No, Yo no quiero nada de patatas. Estoy tratando de perder peso |
Tim | Oh, come on! Potatoes are fantastic Oh, vamos! las patatas son fantásticas |
Tom | Ok, but only a few Bien, pero solo un poco |
Tim | Do you like fish? ¿Te gusta pescado? |
Tom | Yes, I love fish. Please, get me some Ocean Perch Si, Me encanta. Por favor tráeme algunas Percas Marinas |
Tim | I'm afraid they don't have any Ocean Perch. What else do you need? Me temo que ellos no tienen ninguna Perca Marina. ¿Qué otra cosa necesitas? |
Tom | I need some Salmon and a little sugar. Necesito un Salmón y un poco de azúcar. |
A REGISTRATION CLUBYes, may I help you? Si, ¿Puedo ayudarlo? |
Peter | I want to register in the Vacation Club Quiero registrarme en el Club de Vacaciones |
Susan | All right. What's your name? Muy bien. ¿Cuál es tu nombre? |
Peter | Peter Logan Peter Logan |
Susan | How old are you? ¿Cuántos años tienes? |
Peter | I am 20 years old Tengo 20 años |
Susan | What's your address? ¿Cuál es tu dirección? |
Peter | My address is 9th street and 4th avenue, house # 7. Mi dirección es novena calle y la cuarta avenida, casa # 7 |
Susan | What's your telephone number? ¿Cuál es tu número telefónico? |
Peter | My telephone number is 72489860 Mi número es 72489860 |
Susan | Ok, the club starts on monday Ok, el Club empieza el lunes |
Peter | Thank you, see you on monday. Gracias, nos vemos el lunes |

Carl | What are you doing? ¿Qué estas haciendo? |
Paul | I'm reading this article. I have to finish it today Estoy leyendo este artículo. Tengo que terminarlo hoy día |
Carl | Why Do you have to finish it today? ¿Por qué tienes que terminarlo hoy día? |
Paul | Because my boss wants the main idea. Porque mi jefe quiere la idea principal |
Carl | What is the article about? ¿De qué trata el artículo? |
Paul | It's about job opportunities in Asia Es acerca de oportunidades de trabajo en Asia |
Carl | That sounds interesting Eso suena interesante |
Paul | It is interesting and difficult. I'm trying to understand these numbers Esto es interesante y difícil. Estoy tratando de entender esas cifras. |
Carl | What is Carla doing on the computer? ¿Qué esta haciendo Carla en la computadora? |
Paul | She is helping me. She is looking for information on the internet Ella esta ayudandome. Está buscando información por Internet |
Carl | Do you need my help? ¿Necesitas mi ayuda? |
Paul | Well, thank you. That's very kind of you Bueno si gracias. Eso es muy amable de tu parte. |
Registrándose en el Hotel

Desk Clerk | Good afternoon, Miss. May I help you? Buenas tardes, señorita. ¿Puedo ayudarle? |
Mary | Yes, my name is Mary Burton. I have a reservation for two. Si, mi nombre es Mary Burton. Tengo una reservación para dos. |
Desk Clerk | Let me see, Burton you said..... no I can't find it. How long ago did you make the reservation? Déjeme ver, Burton usted dijo no puedo encontrarlo ¿Hace cuanto hizo la reservación? |
Mary | About a month ago. Hace un mes. |
Desk Clerk | Do you know the exact date? ¿Sabe la fecha exacta? |
Mary | Give me a second, I think I have it in my agenda. Yes, it was the 25th of May Deme un segundo, Creo que la tengo en mi agenda. Si, fue el 25 de Mayo |
Desk Clerk | Ok, I found it. The problem was that someone forgot to write your name on the main list. Ok, lo he encontrado. El problema fue que alguien olvidó escribir su nombre en la lista principal. |
Linda | Is everything in order? ¿Esta todo en orden? |
Desk Clerk | Yes, ma'am. There's no problem. Fill out this registration card please Si, señora. No hay ningún problema. Llene la tarjeta de registro por favor. |
Mary | Here it is. Aquí tiene. |
Desk Clerk | How long are you planning to stay? ¿Cuanto tiempo piensan quedarse? |
Mary | Three days. We will spend our vacation in a club. Tres días. Pasaremos nuestras vacaciones en un club. |
Desk Clerk | That sounds like fun. Here is your key. The room number is 801. Thanks for choosing us and enjoy your stay. Eso suena divertido. Aquí tiene su llave. La habitación es la 801. Gracias por su preferencia y disfrute su estancia. |
Mary | Thank you Gracias. |

John | Mark...after all, What do You do for a living? Mark...después de todo, ¿Qué haces para ganarte la vida? |
Mark | I'm an architect. I work for "Genius Build". And you John?.What do you do for a living?. Soy un arquitecto. Trabajo para "Genius Build". Y tu John.¿A que te dedicas?. |
John | I'm a journalist. I work with my father. We have a newspaper Soy periodista. Trabajo con mi padre. Tenemos un periódico |
Mark | A family business, that's wonderfull. What about your mother? What does She do for a living? Un negocio familiar, eso es grandioso. ¿Qué hay de tu madre? ¿A qué se dedica? |
John | She is a photographer Ella es fotógrafa |
Mark | Well, I imagine that she works with You and your dad. Bueno, me imagino que trabaja contigo y tu padre. |
John | No She doesn't No Ella no lo hace |
Mark | Where does she work, then? Entonces ¿Donde trabaja ella? |
John | She works for "Bose Magazine" Ella trabaja para "Bose Magazine" |
TOURIST Hello, good evening.
TRAIN INSPECTOR Hello sir, good evening, can I help you? ( may I help you, what can I help you?
TOURIST yes, I need/ I want to know what time is the next train to Madrid, please.
TRAIN INSPECTOR next train to Madrid is in 30 minutes, at a quarter to eight.
TOURIST what time is it?
TRAIN INSPECTOR right now, it`s a quarter past seven.
TOURIST, ohh!!!!! good, can I have a ticket/ I want a ticket , please,
TRAIN INSPECTOR what class do you want to travel ?, sir.
TOURIST a tourist ticket, please.
TRAIN INSPECTOR, all right, a tourist class to Madrid, here you are!!!
TOURIST how much is it?
TRAIN INSPECTOR It`s eighteen Euros ninety cents.
TOURIST do you accept credit card? here it is.
TOURIST thank you so much.
TRAIN INSPECTOR you are welcome sir, and thank you for travelling with us, have a nice trip. Ahhhh!!!! don't forget to check in 15 minutes before departure.
TOURIST bye bye.
MIKE: ( client) Hello George!!!!
GEORGE ( shop tender) Hi!!!!! Mike, What`s up?, How are you?
MIKE Ohhhh!!!!! you know....... I`m full of beans, I feel great!!!!!!
GEORGE That`s wonderful!!!!! I ´m happy for you.
What do you need?/ what can I help you?
MIKE can I have bread, a pack of sugar and same pears, please?
GEORGE all right, bread, sugar and pears, anything else?
MIKE no, that`s all.
GEORGE ok, here you are, your shopping, Mike.
MIKE how much is it?
GEORGE sugar is 59 cents, bread is 80 and the kilogram of pears is 1 euro twenty cents, that is ...... a total of 2 `59 euros
MIKE here you have a five euro note, I don't have change, sorry George.
GEORGE No problem Mike, here is your change, 59, 60 cents, and forty cents is three Euros, plus two is five.
By the way is your family?
MIKE My family is fine, my wife is working right now and the children are playing at home, and you.... how is everybody?
GEORGE ohhhhh!!!! fantastic. everybody is doing good.
MIKE All right, George, see you soon.
GEORGE see you Mike, take care!!!!! Bye.
JOURNALIST Good afternoon, everybody, thank you for tuning our radio station, today we are very happy , because we have in our studios one of the most beautiful woman in the world, we speak about our fellow Amparo Munoz Quesada, MIss universe in 2014.
JOURNALIST Good afternoon Amparo, do you feel good?
AMPARO yes , I do. Hello , good afternoon , I'm very pleased to chat with you.
JOURNALIST your full name is Amparo Munoz Quesada, isn`t it?
AMPARO yes, it is, I am Amparo Munoz Quesada.
JOURNALIST How old are you?
AMPARO I am twenty- nine years old.
JOURNALIST Where do you live?
AMPARO I live in Vélez-Málaga
JOURNALIST what street do you live in?
AMPARO I live in paseo Andalucía 9.
JOURNALIST how many languages do you espeak?
AMPARO I speak three languages, spanish, english and french.
JOURNALIST what are you doing right now at work?
AMPARO I am working in a new theatre play.
JOURNALIST what is your favourite hobby?
AMPARO I like to read a lot, but my favourite hobby is dancing and travelling.
JOURNALIST have you got brothers or sisters?
AMPARO yes, I have. I have got a brother and a sister. They live with my parents.
JOURNALIST Do you have boyfriend?
AMPARO no, I don`t.
JOURNALIST Where do you travel in Summer?
AMPARO First I go to the beach to Torre del Mar, and after I go to the mountain, I like travelling around the north of Spain, there it`s not very hot in summer time.
JOURNALIST What is your favourite sport?
AMPARO you can guess it, I love walking.
JOURNALIST what food do you like or dislike?
AMPARO I like pasta, vegetables and fruit, I love fish, but I don`t like frozen food .
JOURNALIST It is a pleasure to have you with us, thank you so much for enjoying this time with our listeners and I hope the best in your live. thanks indeed.
AMPARO thank you very much for this opportunity to be near my fellows. See you soon.
What would you like?
¿Qué le gustaría?

Waitress | Are you reade to order? ¿Están listos para ordenar? |
Enrique | Yes, I think so. I'd like a hamburger with lettuce and tomato, and a glass of milk. Sí, eso creo. Me gustaría una hamburguesa con lechuga y tomate, y una copa de leche. |
Waitress | How would you like your hamburger? ¿Cómo le gustaría su hamburguesa? |
Enrique | Medium. Mediano. |
Gino | The same for me, and could I have some french fries with that? Lo mismo para mi, ¿Y podría traerme algunas papas fritas? |
Waitress | Sure. And what would you like, miss? Seguro. ¿Y qué le gustaría, señorita? |
Kaori | Just coffee, please. Solo café, por favor. |
Waitress | Is that all? ¿Eso es todo? |
Kaori | Yes, I think so. Sí, supongo. |
Later..... |
Enrique | Excuse me, miss How much is a piece of pie? Disculpe, señorita ¿Cuánto cuesta un pedazo de pastel? |
Waitress | 95 cents. 95 centavos |
Enrique | What kind do you have? ¿De que sabores tiene? |
Waitress | Chocolate, lemon and apple. Chocolate, limón y manzana. |
Enrique | I'd like apple, please. Me gustaría de manzana, por favor. |
Waitress | Would anybody else like dessert? ¿Alguien mas quiere postre? |
Kaori | No, thank you. Just more coffee, please. No, gracias, solo más café, por favor. |
Waitress | Sure. Claro. |
Gino | And could I have my check? I have to go. |
Is there a bank near here?
¿Hay un banco cerca por aquí?

Gino | Excuse me, is there a bank near here? Discúlpeme, ¿Hay un banco cerca por aquí? |
Ahmed | Yes, there's one on Fifth Avenue. Sí, hay uno sobre la Quinta avenida. |
Gino | What about a bookstore? ¿Y una librería? |
Ahmed | There are two. One's on Broadway and one's on the corner of Washington Place and Greene Street. Are you new here? Hay dos. uno sobre la Broadway y el otro en la esquina de Washington Place y la calle Greene. ¿Eres nuevo por aquí? |
Gino | Yes, my name's Gino Rossetti. Sí, mi nombre es Gino Rossetti. |
Ahmed | Nice to meet you, Gino. I'm Ahmed Helal. Are you a student at the English Institute? Mucho gusto, Gino. Yo me llamo Ahmed Helal. ¿Estudias en el Instituto de Inglés? |
Gino | Yes, Are you? Sí, ¿Tu también? |
Ahmed | Uh-huh. What course are you in? Así es. ¿En que curso estas? |
Gino | English 2. Inglés 2. |
Ahmed | Great! So am I. ¡Grandioso! Yo también. |
Gino | Say, do you have a map, by any chance? Dime, ¿Tienes un mapa por casualidad? |
Ahmed | I think I have one in my Smartphone....Yeah, here it is. Here's Fifth Avenue and here's the bank. Creo que tengo uno en mi smartphone....Sí, aquí esta. Aquí está la Quinta avenida y aquí está el banco. |